STREAMING VIDEO UPDATE - A streaming video version of this template is now available within the platform. This allows you to upload a high quality video file (max 50mb), and the video will automatically be compressed and optimised for use in the creative. Other than video file size, the rest of the details in these specs should still be adhered to.

Inline Video
is a high impact video format that appears in-line within the page content. You can choose to either upload your own MP4 file, or else use a VAST tag as the source of the video. An optional overlay can be used to add static brand elements on top of the video.


Mobile 16:9
Mobile 9:16

Format Specs

1280x720 (16:9) MP4 (Optimised for web)
OR VAST 4.0 Compatible Tag
Max duration 30 seconds

Overlay (Optional)
1280x720 (16:9) PNG with transparent background

Endframe (Recommended)
1280x720 (16:9) JPG or PNG

Format description and guidance

Inline Video is a high impact auto-playing video format that appears midway down the page (mid-content). The format accepts either an MP4 video, or a VAST tag as a source. An optional overlay can be used to add static brand elements on top of the video. It is strongly recommended to include a static endframe to safeguard against suspended auto-play. Read more about endframes here and ensure your ad never appears blank! 

Click URL

Click tracking is included in the template. If the VAST tag contains a clickthrough URL, it will automatically be used.

Max total file weight

1 MB (recommended)

