Adding endframe images to video formats: safeguard against suspended auto-play and loading time

How to combat slow loading time of video ads and suspended auto-play and loading time

There are multiple benefits of using endframes on your video ads. Below we've listed two of them:

1. Suspended auto-play on iOS devices in battery saving mode

Did you know that when an iOS device is in low power mode, it will suspend auto-play for all videos*? Meaning that your video formats can appear blank to the user, if the endframe in the actual video is not controlled.

You can combat this by adding an endframe image in Adnami. The endframe will be displayed in the event that video auto-play is suspended, making sure your ad never appears blank!



2. Slow loadtime of video ads

Video load time in banners are heavily depended on outer factor that cannot be controlled by the advertiser. Loadtime of the site, file weigh and poor internet connetction, are factors that can effect how fast your video banner loads. 

In the event of slow loadtime, it can be smart to add a start frame that will show for 1 second before the video begins to play. As the image is in theory lighter than the video, it will load faster, and thus can be used to mask loading time.


When you are designing your endframe image, here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • To ensure your creatives are safeguarded against both the above listed cases; we recommend always adding an endframe image before or after the video.
    • “Before” means the endframe will show for 1 second before the video begins to play. This setting can be used to mask loading time. 
    • “After” means the endframe will appear after the video have looped 5 times. This setting can be used to combat suspended autoplay on iOS devices in batterysaving mode.
    • “Before and After video” means the endframe will show for 1 second before the video begins to play, and that the endframe will appear after the video have looped 5 times
  • It can be a screenshot of the video itself or a more custom designed image . 
  • The aspect ratio/dimensions and safe zones of the endframe should be the same as the video

Note: We recommend that the total weight of the banner, including the endframe, does not exceed 3.5MB to comply Google's 'heavy ad'-regulations