STREAMING VIDEO UPDATE - A streaming video version of this template is now available within the platform. This allows you to upload a high quality video file (max 50mb), and the video will automatically be compressed and optimised for use in the creative. Other than video file size, the rest of the details in these specs should still be adhered to.
The fluid skin format consists of three separate elements - a left panel, a right panel (the side panels), and a top banner. You can use either images or video as the background asset of each element. For best results, combine with a PNG overlays, to create a simple responsive skin. For skin designs with artwork that spans across the entire screen, consider using our seamless skin format instead.
Guide to skins
- The difference between our Seamless Skin & Fluid Skin formats
- The respective templates (i.e. Seamless Image Skin, Seamless Sliding Skin, Fluid Skin Image, Fluid Skin Video, etc.) within our Seamless & Fluid Skin formats
- Tips and best practice for using overlays
Format Specs
Side panels:
- Video - 1080x1920px (9:16) MP4 (Optimised for web)
- Image - 800x1440px JPG
Overlay: Up to 800x1440px (PNG with transparency), for best results avoid exporting overlay assets with any excess white space, and instead set the size and position within the template.
Top Banner:
Image or Video: 1280x180px* (JPG, WEBP, MP4)
HTML5: width: 100% (responsive), height: 180px* (HTML Zip File or 3rd Party Tag)
Top Banner sizes vary across publishers and between countries, so please read carefully to ensure your assets are produced correctly.
For image and video Top Banners, use a width of 1280 pixels. The height should match the billboard height from the list below, and all key content should appear within a centralised safe zone of the corresponding billboard width. eg, for a UK skin, the ideal asset size is 1280x250, with a centralised 970x250 safe zone. You may also wish to export your assets double sized (eg 2560x500), for sharper display on high resolution screens.
For HTML5 Top Banners, the creative width should be responsive (width: 100%) with a maximum width of 1280 pixels. The height should match the billboard height from the list below. If the width of your top banner is not responsive, there will be empty space visible between the top banner and side panels on some sites.
Billboard placement sizes by country:
- 🇩🇪 DE: 1000x250px
- 🇩🇰 DK: 930x180px
- 🇦🇹 AT: 1000x250px
- 🇨🇭 CH: 1000x250px
- 🇫🇮 FI: 1000x400px
- 🇫🇷 FR: 970x250px
- 🇳🇴 NO: 980x300px
- 🇸🇪 SE: 1000x240px
- 🇬🇧 UK: 970x250px
Format description and guidance
Background assets use the “cover” scaling mode by default, so be aware that the edges may appear cropped for different screen sizes and resolutions. You can set the anchor point of the background via background position - this is the transformation point around which the image will be scaled, and it will be the part of the asset guaranteed to be in view, so make sure to set it to an appropriate value for your specific assets.
Overlays appear on top of the background asset, and should be used for essential static brand elements (eg logos, messaging, CTA etc). The overlay uses the “contain” CSS behaviour, so will never be cropped. The width and height of the overlay are flexible, you can define a percentage of the total side-panel width/height the overlays should occupy, as well as define minimum and maximum widths (in pixels) to constrain their scaling if you so desire.
You can also set how the overlays are positioned within the skin side-panels. By default they are centered, however you can choose which side or corner they should be anchored to, as well as offset the position on the X or Y axis (custom X/Y position). Custom position offsets will be added to whichever side the asset is positioned from, eg if an overlay is positioned at the bottom, an Overlay Custom Y Position of 10px will set the overlay to be 10px from the bottom of the skin. You can use any valid css unit eg 250px, 50%, 20vh etc.
For best results, export the overlay PNG assets without any excess empty space - this allows the template to handle the overlay scaling and placement more effectively.
Max duration
Autoplaying videos should not exceed 30 seconds in duration.
Click URL
Click tracking is included in the template.
Max total file weight
Combined file weight of all assets must be under 3.5MB