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Help Centre
Features and Tools
Getting Started
We know, high impact isn't always simple. To help you along the way, we've collected the most common questions and answers here.
Will I get new tags if I edit settings?
A part of my creative isn't visible in the preview, why?
Are there any weight restrictions for my materials?
Why is there a difference between the preview on the suite and when my campaign goes live?
What does it mean if a material is or isn't responsive?
Is it possible to update or delete a campaign or creative I've created?
Can I add my colleague as a user in the platform?
How do I add a new advertiser to the suite?
Why does my HTML-preview look wrong?
How frequently are new Adnami formats released?
Error message in the suite?
Why is my creative rejected by the DSP
Third party trackers
Why is there a gap between APM and eAPM?
Why do I see impressions on unknown domains?
How to optimise your website for attention and viewability?
Why is Adform viewability different from Adnami viewability?
How many times does videos in Adnami loop?
Publisher FAQ
A guide to Impression Tracking and CacheBuster