The anatomy of an Adnami creative

A walkthrough of creating an Adnami ad and the various concepts and elements that make up the ad


The campaign is the top level element which is essentially a collection of creatives. Typically a campaign contains a group of creatives that run in the same time span and communicate the same message.

However, at the end of the day, it is up to the individual user how to best organise the creatives. It has no impact on the ad itself.


The creative is what is being displayed on a publisher's website. When you see an ad on a website, that is the “creative”. 

A creative is a unique set of creative elements that are delivered to a publisher’s website via one of Adnami’s tags. A creative typically consists of a format, one (or more) content area(s) and has its own unique tag and preview page.


The format is the first thing that must be decided when setting up a creative in Adnami. It defines the structure of an ad (ie. size, behavior, placement) - all properties that define how an ad will be displayed.

Examples of Adnami formats are:

  • Mobile Midscroll
  • Desktop Topscroll
  • Fluid Skin


After selecting the format the content can be added. The content can be either one of Adnami’s pre-made templates, or custom HTML content supplied as a zip file or 3rd party tag containing a banner.

Adnami Templates
Adnami templates are pre-designed content with a variety of different behaviours that make it easy to create responsive, high impact creative with just a few simple images or video assets. 

Examples of Adnami templates include: 

  • Video with overlays
  • Mobile photostack
  • Seamless scrolling skin
  • Video with blurred background

HTML Content
Another option is using your own custom HTML content. This can uploaded as either a HTML5 zip file or via a 3rd party tag from one of Adnami’s supported providers. 

Learn more about creating HTML banners here

Most of Adnami’s formats only make use of a single content area, however a few (like Skins & Mobile Midscroll Anchor) use multiple content areas to make the creative. 

Learn more about the case of a Fluid Skin here


Each template is a separate entity which has its own configuration options and assets. 

Anatomy of an Adnami


For more assistance regarding this topic please reach out to your Adnami publisher contact or